Spring 2014, Dan Cong: Mi Lan Xiang(蜜兰香)

Directly translate as Honey Orchid Fragrance from the word Mi Lan Xiang (蜜兰香) is popular for its rich honey aroma and orchid fragrance from which it derived its name from. It is classified under the Phoenix Dan Cong(单枞)) family found in Chao Zhou, China.

Now Dan Cong(单枞) is a really interesting type of tea. If you catch the steeping timing just right and you be rewarded with the wonderful aroma and diabetic sweetness favour . Let it steep short it's bland. Too long the bitterness is overpowering. Hence, time and temperature are of essence.


Tea Source: 2014 Spring Mi Lan Xiang (non-pariel)
Water source: Hyflux Filtered Tap 
Water Temperature: 90deg 
Tea Leaves rinsed prior to first steep 

First Steep with quick infusion of  7-10 seconds the honey like sweetness, lychee favoured, orchid lingering aroma will surely grab your attention.

Subsequent infusions as the leaves unfold, yields consistent favours. The sweetness is so intense, it taste like flowery nectar. Honey is an understatement when compared. This sensation of lingering orchid aroma combined with nectar works from your mouth, down your throat then stomach is the most awesome Cha Qi feel that makes you go ahhh...

So often with Dan Cong, when over steep, it gets really bitter But NOT the same way with this amazing Mi Lan Xiang. It's said, good tea when push to it's limit still is able to maintains and suppress the extreme level of bitterness and character. 

In fact if you are adventurous and brew it longer than you should. You be in for a treat. Yes, there will be some bitterness BUT it doesn't yield any sort of overwhelming medicine like bitterness instead, the mild bitterness is surprisingly very pleasant on the palate and quickly disappears overpowered by a sweet honey like aftertaste. 

Like the old Chinese saying of 先苦后甜, which translates, after much bitterness comes sweetness. This actually brings the complexity of this tea to another level from most.

I have tried various Mi Lan Xiang from various vendors but they have never excite my taste buds with such multi dimensional effect of the synergy between aroma and taste. This batch from JKteashop  is probably one of my favourite teas. Non-Pariel indeed!!!

In short, it's easy on the palate slicing through the different layers of honey foral sweetness and that ooomph aroma. If you need an introduction to Chinese tea, i will recommend this Mi Lan Xiang as the best tea to start with!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this post, big fan. Keep up the good work andplease tell me when can you publish more articles or where can I read more on the subject?
